A great Team for a great purpose! According to our mission, we can rely on people that are capable to bring high added value to our works. People with different professional backgrounds are encouraged to work together in order to reach the best result in terms of efficiency and effectiveness.
The entire Team is used to work in international and challenging environments without any issue concerning different cultures, languages and way of working. Every experience is an opportunity to enrich our background and improve our approach to the project management and to the design phases, bringing in new different methodologies.
Aiming to meet the needs of North Africa and Middle East countries, we have a dedicated Team located in Cairo, including Arabic-speaking people, thanks to the establishment of our daughter company AD-ET NAME.
AD-ET is also part of a strong network of reliable companies that are able to contribute to the global success of each project providing specific know-how and up-to-date solutions.
MASSIMO COLOMBO – Managing Director
Twenty-years experience in the field of industrial logistics, with specif reference to BHS (Baggage Handling Systems), both in the planning phase and in the implementation phase. Development of projects in the Italian and international markets (Preliminary, final and executive project of the BHS for Venice Airport L2A; Final design for the airports of Marrakech and Fez in Morocco in 2012-13; BHS feasibility study Verona airport, Consultancy activities for international airports and national).
GIULIO GALIMBERTI – System Architect
Ten-years experience in the field of industrial logistics, with specific reference to BHS baggage handling systems, in both planning and implementation phases. Employee at Siemens Spa in the Logistics and Airport Solutions department, from 2007 to 2013, with the role of Sales and System Engineer, with tasks related to the design of multiple BHS systems, for both Italian (Milan Malpensa, Milan Linate, Turin Caselle, Bergamo, Venice, Bari, Rome Fiumicino and Ciampino), and international airports (London Heathrow T2 UK, Cukurova Turkey, Tripoli and Benghazi Libya, …).
ALESSANDRO DE DIONIGI – System Detail Designer
Experience in logistics and IT (Information Technologies), with specific reference to industrial logistics and development of ERP systems. Hired at Airport Development Engineering & Trading SA, in the role of Project Manager and System Architect, since January 2018 . The involvement in both small and complex projects (Olbia, Treviso, Venice, Brescia, Verona, …), even in international environments (Ile de la Réunion – RUN), allowed him to acquire skills on the airport theme (BHS systems and main solutions applicable to them, most recent regulations on airport security).
MARCO MERONI – Project Engineer
Newest member of the Airport Development Engineering & Trading SA Team, hired in the role of Project Engineer since April 2019, months after his BSc graduation in Mechanical Engineering. Short experience in both airport and industrial logistics, but willing to learn and participate in more complex projects. As for now, he’s been involved in small and medium ones: any examples? Genua and Olbia.
ANDREA D’APRILE – Administration
With a ten-years’ experience in the context of business accounting, mainly in small-medium sized enterprises, Andrea is part of AD-ET Team since January 2018. He is in charge of managing administrative issues, meeting and accommodation arrangement and actively cooperates with our technical team during the preparation of administrative documents in tender phases, with a strong understanding of Client’s requirements.